
Are you having problems with our site? We try our best to make sure the site works in as many browsers and versions as possible, but problems still come up. If you find a bug in the site, or even a spelling error, let us know!

We recommend that you view our site in either Firefox or Google Chrome, as this can solve a lot of problems. Internet Explorer seems to have the most problems with our site. If you are using Internet Explorer, especially older versions, it's probably a good idea to download another browser. Here are some popular options (in alphabetical order):

Many people have also had issues with our videos. First of all, Adobe Flash Player is required to view all of our videos. Even if you already have Flash installed, we recommend that you get the latest version. This will solve several issues. You can download Adobe Flash Player here. If you're still having problems, email us and we'll try to help you out.

(Un)Dead Seriously